riday, 05 November 2010
My working day was cut short today – my Son is quite unwell so I have been sitting at home with him on the coach for most of the day – poor little thing he has a fever and has vomited a couple of times – his temp has finally dropped enough for me to put him to bed. Despite this I had a good day food wise and emotionally – I am feeling not too bad - looking forward to the weekend though I have a feeling we won’t be doing much – I am hoping to finish my herb garden over the weekend just need a bit more soil and then I can plant – looking forward to it! I will also try and get in a couple of walks over the weekend though this will all depend on how boy goes……
Friday, 05 November 2010
Food POINTS values used 21
Food POINTS values remaining 2
Weetbix 4.5
Subtotal 4.5
2 slice (s) Bread Rye Bread 3
1 Potato Pie (with pumpkin & potatoe mash) 5
Subtotal 8
1 Chicken Pasta (Chicken, carrots, mushrooms, peas & corn, pasta sauce, pasta) 5
Subtotal 5
1 large Skim Milk Cafi Latte 1.5
1 small apple 0.5
1 medium banana 1.5
Subtotal 3.5
No entries for exercise.
Exercise POINTS bonus earned 0